Friday, October 31, 2008

Montevideo, Uruguay

On Wednesday and Thursday (days 5 and 6) I took the ferry to Uruguay. Here's my breakfast at the ferry terminal - two medialunas and cafe con leche. I love medialunas. Just the right amount of sweetness (i.e., not too sweet).

The last time I was in Argentina I went to Colonia and spent about 6 hours there. This time I took the high-speed ferry to Colonia (50 minutes) then spent 2.5 hours on a bus to Montevideo. It was a good way to see the countryside.

I guess Uruguay must be pulling in good tourist dollars because I saw a lot of road and building construction. Colonia is getting a new immigration terminal where the ferries arrive (sorely needed) and a divided highway outside the city. Considering the number of buses that travel these roads, I'm glad to see such infrastructure improvements.

Montevideo is the largest city in Uruguay. It's not very big ....kind of like a mini-Buenos Aires with pretty tree-lined streets in the residential neighborhoods. They have a nice walkway (Ramblas) on the Rio Plata, which is where my hotel was located. This is a view of the walkway from the hotel. And me on the Ramblas at sunset.

I love the buildings in Montevideo. Lots of art deco. Great character.
I spent the day just walking around the old city and enjoying the beautiful day and architecture.
Like most South American cities, horse drawn carts are not unique.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a beautiful city, and what a gorgeous susnset! Glad to hear your having such a great time.